Data Byte Color Notation

The color of the data in the panes specifies which layer of the protocol stack the data is from. All data from the first layer is bright blue, the data from the second layer is green, the third layer is pink, etc. The protocol name for each layer in the Decode pane is in the same color. Note that the colors refer to the layer, not to a specific protocol. In some situations, a protocol may be in two different colors in two different frames, depending on where it is in the stack. You can change the default colors for each layer.

Red is reserved for bytes or frames with errors. In the Summary pane, frame numbers in red mean there is an error in the frame. Also, the Errors tab is displayed in red. This could be a physical error in a data byte or an error in the protocol decode. Bytes in red in the Radix, Character, Binary and Event panes mean there is a physical error associated with the byte.

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